Lost and Found Resources

The HSMC can assist you with lost and found pets by posting to social media.

Please note that we will make every effort to help, but this is not a guarantee of acceptance to our facility, but to help post on social media

Please contact us today for information:

What to do if your pet is lost

Post a HSMC Lost And Found Notice. We can help post on social media. (see the button above that says Request Lost/Found Assistance).

Check vets and shelters in neighboring counties - See Resources below.

Talk to neighbors – neighborhood kids and trash collectors cover lots of territory in your neighborhood.

Check at school playgrounds, parks, churches and restaurants – places where people gather and where there are food sources.

Make flyers and post them in the neighborhood, grocery and retail stores and vet offices. Be sure to include a photo and your phone number.

Social Media is Your Friend! Post pictures of your lost pet on Facebook, Instagram, Neighborlink and other social media sites as soon as possible. If you don’t have a social media account, ask a friend to post it for you. Also see the Other Resources listed below.

Run an ad in the newspaper (Lincoln-McCormick Journal/Messenger). Be sure to check the lost/found ads.

If your pet is microchipped, call the microchip company to be sure your phone number is correct.

What to do if you find a pet

Post a HSMC Lost And Found Notice . Please note that we will make every effort to help, but this is not a guarantee of acceptance to our facility, but to help post on social media. (see the button above that says Request Lost/Found Assistance).

Check vets and shelters in neighboring counties - See Resources below.

If pet is found outside of McCormick County - See Resources below as we cannot receive a pet from outside of our county.

Talk to neighbors – neighborhood kids and trash collectors cover lots of territory in your neighborhood.

Make flyers and post them in the neighborhood, grocery and retail stores and vet offices. Be sure to include a photo and your phone number.

Social Media is Your Friend! Post pictures of your found pet on Facebook, Instagram, Neighborlink and other social media sites as soon as possible. If you don’t have a social media account, ask a friend to post it for you. Also see the Other Resources listed below.

Run an ad in the newspaper (Lincoln-McCormick Journal/Messenger). Be sure to check the lost/found ads.

Other Local Resources